Martha Greets the Morning
Summer The horses had been out all night under the nearly full moon which is a rare treat for them. I usually keep them in their paddock to give the grass in the pasture a chance to grow a bit after a day of grazing
Three Rabbits in the Morning
"If you see three rabbits in the morning you'll have good luck throughout the day."
Pasque Flowers
I didn't mind the winter this year. The snow began in December which is early for us. It was cold but the fields were blanketed in white for months and it was so pretty that I hardly noticed. I loved the coziness of wearing big,
Once I had a horse named Sterling who was a good horse in every way possible. He kind of looked like a cartoon horse with his round hay belly, bit of a sway back and somewhat crooked legs but I didn’t care. He was my
Imaginary Flowers
I carried a bouquet of imaginary flowers around for most of my life. If anyone tried to tell me they weren't real I would dispute them. "They are real to me," I would say and hold them just a little bit closer. To me, they
She Woke Up This Way
She woke up this way. That is, if she went to sleep at all which I doubt she did. Gisela, my 27 year old Warmblood, loves weather like this. That night the moon was full, the wind was still and it was cold but not bitterly