
Martha Greets the Morning

Summer  The horses had been out all night under the nearly full moon which is a rare treat for them. I usually keep them in their paddock to give the grass in the pasture a chance to grow a bit after a day of grazing but not tonight. It is summer - and a rainy one at that so everything is growing - and I decided they could come and

Martha Greets the Morning2023-07-06T12:06:58+00:00

Three Rabbits in the Morning

"If you see three rabbits in the morning you'll have good luck throughout the day."                                                                                                              

Three Rabbits in the Morning2023-05-05T13:23:43+00:00

Pasque Flowers

I didn't mind the winter this year. The snow began in December which is early for us. It was cold but the fields were blanketed in white for months and it was so pretty that I hardly noticed. I loved the coziness of wearing big, bulky sweaters, darkness coming early, making art, good books, fairy lights and soup simmering on the stove. Winter comes whether I want it to or

Pasque Flowers2023-04-18T02:18:32+00:00
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